The Rules

I'll be watching a horror movie, every day, until I don't. And then, I'll write brief reviews, thoughts, ramblings and whatever else here. Sounds fun right? I know there are hardly any movie blogs out there, so hopefully this will be filling a big, empty movie blog-shaped hole in your life.

Seriously, all I want to give back is the ability for Some People to Kill Some Time at work. I know I've certainly done so with blogs time and time again. I will try to keep all posts as safe for work viewing as possible. (I know the importance of this - I've had computer screens that face the sales floor.) So if this blog can just give that back to the world, I will consider the circle-of-blog-life complete.

The Rules, then:

- Any movie categorized as horror by IMDB, Netflix, Amazon Prime, or even has a title that could reasonably be construed as horror counts. (I watched one called "Devil Monster" from a Mill Creek compilation set a couple of years ago that was more or less a drama about fishing.  But if the name totally leads me astray so be it.) Or if the cover art is selling it like a horror film.

- I'm adding thrillers to the list too. I'll try to make them at least horror-related, or horrific sounding. I don't want to do crime films per se, but if it's a "drifter goes into town and starts killing people" or a revenge film, that's fine by me. I mean, I watched Cold In July the other day, which is listed as a Fantasy/Crime film on google, and it was one of the more disturbing things I've seen in a long time.

- Also, kids movies can count if there is a horror theme (i.e. Hocus Pocus, Paranorman, etc).

- The movie must be started during the calendar day, 12:01 am - 11:59 pm.

- I cannot start the next movie until the last movie is finished.

- It cannot be a movie that I have already seen, although I reserve the right to change this rule for a theme week/month. BUT - an informative commentary track, from a movie I have seen, is acceptable.

- Movies with a comedic commentary track (a la MST3K or Rifftrax), while generally excellent, do not count.

So, yeah...

Thar she goes! Hopefully the posting will resume soon. The plan is to work on sexying up the look of the blog at some point, but who knows if that will happen. Bear with me, if you are here for some reason.

If you're not a robot, thanks for stopping by. Let me know if the comments work!

Until next time...

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